XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Białystok, 30.6-5.07.2025 XIV School on Geometry and Physics Białystok, 23-27.06.2025



  1. Edwin Beggs (Swansea) - Noncommutative geometry, parallel transport and quantum mechanics
  2. Alexei Bolsinov (Loughborough) - Multicomponent generalisations of KdV and CH equations
  3. David J. Fernández C. (Mexico City) - Darboux transformations applied to graphene in external magnetic fields
  4. Noriaki Ikeda (Kusatsu) - Q-manifolds and sigma models
  5. Marek Kuś (Warsaw) - Geometry of quantum entanglement
  6. Jacek Miękisz (Warszawa) - Ergodic theory and topology of nonperiodic tilings and Gibbs states of interacting particles
  7. Nicolai Reshetikhin* (Beijing) - Hybrid integrable systems
  8. Karen Strung (Prague) - Realising Quantum Flag Manifolds as Graph $C^*$-algebras
  9. Daniele Valeri (Rome) - Integrability of classical affine W-algebras
  10. Tilmann Wurzbacher (Metz) - Multisymplectic geometry and dynamics - a case study


  1. Krzysztof Bardadyn (Białystok) - Inverse semigroup Banach algebras
  2. Tomasz Brzezinski (Białystok / Swansea)
  3. Luca Campobasso (Łódź) - Approximations to the Wigner function
  4. Goce Chadzitaskos (Prague) - The Schwarzschild’s solution and Mach’s principle
  5. Johan Michel Chavez Tovar (Mexico City) - Geometric flows, entropy, and nonlinear electrodynamics
  6. Olga Chekeres (La Rochelle) - Odd and generalized Wilson surfaces
  7. Eduardo Chiumiento* (Buenos Aires) - Geometric approach to the Moore-Penrose inverse and polar decomposition in operator ideals
  8. Tomasz Czyżycki (Białystok)
  9. Alina Dobrogowska (Białystok) - A new look at Lie algebras
  10. Jarah Fluxman (Edinburgh) - UIRs of Lifschitz groups
  11. Gerald Goldin (New Brunswick NJ) - Quantum Mechanics without Quantization
  12. Piotr P. Goldstein (Warsaw) - Variants of asymptotic behaviour in the BKL scenario as described with a quadric of kinetic-energy
  13. Tomasz Goliński (Białystok) - Integrable system related to restricted Grassmannian on partial isometries
  14. Maciej Horowski (Białystok)
  15. Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou* (Cotonou) - Invariance of the scalar curvature for the noncommutative $2$-torus equipped with a perturbed complex structure
  16. Jiří Hrivnák (Prague) - Honeycomb Weyl orbit functions of $G_2$
  17. Grzegorz Jakimowicz (Białystok)
  18. Piotr Kielanowski (Mexico City)
  19. Jerzy Kijowski (Warsaw) - Variational Principles in Physics
  20. Bartosz Kwaśniewski (Bialystok) - Topological freeness and ideals in twisted Banach algebra crossed products
  21. Gabriel Larotonda (Buenos Aires) - Conjugate points in the Grassmann manifold of a $C^*$-algebra
  22. Petr Novotný (Prague)
  23. Taika Okuda* (Tokyo) - Explicit Formulae for Deformation Quantization with Separation of Variables of $G_{2,4}(\mathbb{C})$
  24. Severin Pošta* (Prague) - Construction and application of quasicrystals
  25. Anatolij Prykarpatski (Kraków) - On the conformal Lie superalgebras $K(1;N=1;2;3)$, their super-pseudodifferential generalizations and related semi-supersymmetric integrable systems
  26. Krzysztof Radziszewski (Białystok)
  27. Praful Rahangdale (Paderborn) - Poisson Geometry and related Geometric and Algebraic Structures
  28. Stefan Rauch (Linkoping) - Understanding reversals of a Rattleback
  29. Vladimir Salnikov (La Rochelle)
  30. Aneta Sliżewska (Białystok)
  31. Marzena Szajewska (Białystok)
  32. Alice Barbara Tumpach (Vienna/Lille) - Subtleties of Poisson Geometry in infinite-dimensions
  33. Elwira Wawreniuk (Białystok)
  34. Karolina Wojciechowicz (Białystok) - Linear bundle of Lie algebras applied to the classification of real Lie algebras
  35. Akira Yoshioka* (Tokyo) - Star product deformation of the zeta function
  36. Anna Zamojska-Dzienio (Warsaw) - The algebraic approach to barycentric coordinates
  37. Dzianis Zhalukevich* (Białystok)
* - virtual participation
Event sponsored by
University of Białystok
University of Białystok