XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Białystok, 30.06–5.07.2025 XIV School on Geometry and Physics Białystok, 23–27.06.2025



  1. Ricardo Correa da Silva (Erlangen)
  2. Rita Fioresi (Bologna) - Geometric Deep Learning meets Quantum Groups: a quantum differential calculus approach to differential geometry on graphs for machine learning
  3. Volodymyr Mazorchuk (Uppsala)
  4. Vincenzo Morinelli (Rome)
  5. Philip Morrison (Austin) - Metriplectic Geometries: Definitions and Applications
  6. Réamonn Ó Buachalla (Prague)
  7. Alexander Smith (Anselm)
  8. Alice Barbara Tumpach (Vienna/Lille)
The list is tentative and some speakers have not yet confirmed their participation. Additional speakers may still be added to the list.
Event sponsored by
University of Białystok
University of Białystok