XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Białystok, 30.06–5.07.2025 XIV School on Geometry and Physics Białystok, 23–27.06.2025

Severin Pošta

Construction and application of quasicrystals

We discuss three methods that generate n-dimensional quasicryatals and propose two applications of quasicrystals to data processing. The first application is to use the mapping between the physical and internal spaces of a quasi-crystal to evenly distribute data that is lost in the process of transmitting or storing information. At the same time, it is possible to unambiguously restore the rest of the data. The second application consists in the construction of special quasi-crystals that satisfy the requirements of keys of any length for the classical Vernam cipher method. Several examples of construction of quasicrystals with predetermined properties and examples of image processing that makes the loss of its part uniformly distributed are given.
Event sponsored by
University of Białystok
University of Białystok