XXXIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 29.06-5.07.2014



  1. Rui Loja Fernandes Rui Loja Fernandes (Urbana, IL) - Normal Forms in Poisson Geometry and Lie Groupoid Theory
  2. Alexander Gayfullin Alexander Gayfullin (Moscow) - Flexible polyhedra in spaces of constant curvature
  3. Martin Markl Martin Markl (Praha) - On the origin of higher braces
  4. Alexander Mikhailov Alexander Mikhailov (Leeds) - Lax-Darboux scheme
  5. Nikolay Moshchevitin Nikolay Moshchevitin (Moscow) - Dynamical systems in certain problems in number theory
  6. Ali Mostafazadeh (Istanbul) - Spectral Singularities, Unidirectional Invisibility, and Dynamical Formulation of One-Dimensional Scattering Theory
  7. Karl-Hermann Neeb Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen) - A representation theoretic perspective on reflection positivity
  8. Stefan Nemirovski Stefan Nemirovski (Moscow) - Contact topology on spaces of light rays
  9. Sylvie Paycha Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam) - Traces on the noncommutative torus
  10. Anton Savin Anton Savin (Moscow) - Differential equations on complex manifolds
  11. Andrzej Sitarz (Kraków) - Measuring noncommutative spaces: the metric
  12. Alexander Voronov Alexander Voronov (Minneapolis) - The BV formalism for L_infty-algebras and quantum infty-groups


  1. Syed Twareque Ali Syed Twareque Ali (Montreal)
  2. Anatolij Antonevich Anatolij Antonevich (Białystok) - On bounded solutions of differential equation on the line
  3. Marco Bertola Marco Bertola (Montreal) - Gap probabilities and Riemann-Hilbert problems in determinantal random point processes with or without outliers
  4. Pierre Bieliavsky (Louvain)
  5. Martin Bures Martin Bures (Brno)
  6. Goce Chadzitaskos Goce Chadzitaskos (Prague) - Coherent States on Discrete Spaces
  7. Tomasz Czyżycki Tomasz Czyżycki (Białystok)
  8. Alina Dobrogowska (Białystok) - Integrable systems of Neumann type
  9. Hamed Ghaemidizicheh HAMED GHAEMIDIZICHEH (Istanbul)
  10. Gerald Goldin Gerald Goldin (Piscataway, NJ) - Nonlinear gauge transformations and the “hydrodynamical” formulation of quantum mechanics
  11. Tomasz Goliński Golinski (Białystok) - Lie bundle of deformed skew-symmetric matrices
  12. Zofia Grabowiecka Zofia Grabowiecka (Suchowola)
  13. Lenka Hakova Lenka Hakova (Prague) - Weyl group orbit functions in image processing
  14. Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou (Cotonou) - Supersymmetric vector coherent states for systems with Zeeman coupling and spin-orbit interactions
  15. Jiri Hrivnak Jiri Hrivnak (Prague)
  16. Grzegorz Jakimowicz (Białystok) - Factorization method applied to the second order q-difference operators
  18. Filip Jevtic Filip Jevtic (Richardson, TX)
  19. Dmitry Kaparulin Dmitry Kaparulin (Tomsk) - Stability of higher derivative dynamics
  20. Piotr Kielanowski (Mexico City)
  21. Ryszard Kostecki Ryszard Kostecki (Waterloo, ON) - Towards nonlinear quantum information geometric foundations of quantum theory
  22. Simon Lyakhovich Simon Lyakhovich (Tomsk)
  23. Kirill Mackenzie (Sheffield)
  24. Bogdan Mielnik (Mexico City)
  25. Vladimir Molchanov Vladimir Molchanov (Tambov) - Poisson and Fourier transforms for tensor products
  26. Yuri Neretin (Moscow) - Integral operators with theta-kernels
  27. Petr Novotny Petr Novotny (Prague) - On (a, b, c)--derivations of Jordan algebras
  28. Anatol Odzijewicz (Białystok)
  29. Urszula Ostaszewska Urszula Ostaszewska (Białystok)
  30. Matthew Peddie Matthew Peddie (Manchester)
  31. Jakub Rembieliński Jakub Rembielinski (Łódź)
  32. Mikołaj Rotkiewicz Mikołaj Rotkiewicz (Warsaw) - Bundle-theoretic methods for higher-order variational calculus
  33. Andreas Ruffing Andreas  Ruffing (Garching) - Quantum Difference-Differential Equations
  34. Akifumi Sako Akifumi Sako (Tokyo) - Deformation Quantization of Gauge theories with Separation of Variables
  35. Martin Schlichenmaier Martin Schlichenmaier (Luxembourg) - Lie superalgebras of Krichever-Novikov type
  36. Ewa Schmeidel Ewa Schmeidel (Białystok) - Some properties of solution of Volterra difference equations
  37. Armen Sergeev Armen  SERGEEV (Moscow) - On moduli space of Yang-Mills gauge fields on R^4
  38. Alexey Sharapov Alexey Sharapov (Tomsk) - Peierls’ brackets in non-Lagrangian field theory
  39. Oleg Sheinman Oleg Sheinman (Moscow) - Lax operator algebras and gradings on semi-simple Lie algebras
  40. Ekaterina Shemyakova Ekaterina  Shemyakova (New Paltz) - Structures of invertible Darboux transformations
  41. Aneta Sliżewska (Białystok)
  42. Alfonso Giuseppe Tortorella Alfonso Giuseppe Tortorella (Firenze)
  43. Elizaveta Vishnyakova Elizaveta Vishnyakova (Luxembourg) - On n-ary analogue of Lie (super)algebras
  44. Luca Vitagliano Luca Vitagliano (Fisciano (SA)) - L_infinity algebras from multicontact geometry
  45. Theodore Voronov Theodore Voronov (Manchester)
  46. Akira Yoshioka Akira Yoshioka (Tokyo) Star function, example and application
  47. Elwira Wawreniuk (Białystok)
  48. Wojciech Wojtyński wojciech Wojtyński (Warsaw)
  49. Joanna Zonenberg Joanna  Zonenberg (Białystok) - Properties of solutions of difference equations system
  50. Tomasz Żynda (Białystok)

Special economics session

Chairman: Bogdan Mielnik

Webpage by: Tomasz GolinskiTomasz Golinski