XXXIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics | 29.06-5.07.2014 |
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Armen SERGEEVOn moduli space of Yang-Mills gauge fields on $R^4$\documentclass[12pt]{amsart} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm} \usepackage{amsfonts,amscd,amssymb} \usepackage[english]{babel} \textheight24.1cm \footskip=8mm \textwidth15cm \begin{document} \title{ON THE MODULI SPACE OF YANG--MILLS FIELDS ON $\mathbb R^4$} \author{Armen SERGEEV} \address{Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow} \email{} \maketitle There is a well-known description of the moduli space of instantons on $\mathbb R^4$ given by Atiyah--Drinfeld--Hitchin--Manin. In contrast to that the structure of Yang--Mills gauge fields on $\mathbb R^4$ remains to a large extent unknown. In particular, there is no good twistor decription of this space. In our talk we shall discuss the known facts and conjectures concerning the structure of the Yang--Mills moduli space. \end{document} |