XXVI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
Main Page
First Announcement
Jean-Louis Clerc
(Nancy) -
Geometry of the Shilov boundary
David Elworthy
(Coventry) -
An L2 differential form theory on path spaces.
Klaus Fredenhagen
(Hamburg) -
Deformation quantization of field theory
Alfonso Gracia-Saz
(Toronto) -
Bohr-Sommerfeld rules and the symbol of a function of an operator
Andrey Grib
(St.Petersburg) -
Creation of superheavy particles in curved space-time and the dark matter problem
Marc-Thierry Jaekel
(Paris) -
Conformal Symmetry and quantum localization in space-time
Olga Kravchenko
(Villeurbanne) - L-infinity structures in physics and mathematics
Alfonso Mondragon
(Mexico City) -
Geometric Aspects of the Non-Hermitian Degeneracy of Quantum Resonances
Alice Rogers
(London) -
BRST quantization in the canonical setting
Dmitry Roytenberg
(Bonn) -
Weak Lie 2-algebras
Pavol Severa
(Bratislava) -
L-infinity algebras as first approximations
S. Lech Woronowicz (Warsaw) - Heisenberg quantum deformation of Lorentz group
Tilmann Wurzbacher
(Metz) -
Differential geometry of free loop spaces: a direct approach to elliptic genera?
Boris Zhilinskii
(Dunkerque) -
Quantum monodromy, its generalization and manifestation in finite particle systems
Alexey Zhirov
(Monino, Moscow region) -
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and hyperbolic attractors of diffeomorphisms of surfaces
Yury Zinoviev
(Moscow) -
Lorentz Covariant Distributions with the Spectral Conditions
* - to be confirmed
Ciprian Acatrinei
(Krakow) -
Aspects of Noncommutative Dynamics
S. Twareque Ali (Montreal)
Anatolij Antonevich (Bialystok)
Stefan Berceanu
(Bucharest-Magurele) -
Coherent states associated to the real Jacobi group, by S. Berceanu
Agata Bezubik (Bialystok)
Sonia Boscolo
Alexander Burov
(Moscow) -
Rigid Body Dynamics in a three-dimensional sphere in the central "Newtonian" field
Goce Chadzitaskos
(Prague) -
Coherent states over open chain
Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo
(Dubna) -
On the mathematical structure and hidden symmetries of the
Tomasz Czyzycki (Bialystok) - The Tresse theorem and its application to nonlinear Schroedinger equation
Alina Dobrogowska (Bialystok) - Examples of solvable q-Schrodinger equations
Branko Dragovich (Belgrade) -
Effective Lagrangians for p-Adic and Zeta Strings
Gerald Goldin
(Piscataway) -
Lagrangian and Non-Lagrangian Approaches to Generalized Gauge Theories (tentative)
Tomasz Golinski (Bialystok)
Eli Hawkins
(Nijmegen) -
Integrality in the Quantization of the Sphere
Irena Hinterleitner
(Brno) -
Conformally-projective harmonic diffeomorphisms of equidistant manifolds
Maciej Horowski (Bialystok)
Norbert Hounkonnou (Cotonou) -
Noether currents in noncommutative field theory (pdf)
Jiri Hrivnak
(Prague) -
Twisted Cocycles of Contracted sl(3,C)
Grzegorz Jakimowicz (Bialystok)
Alexander Kaganovich
(Beer Sheva) -
Signed measure in field theory and cosmological constant problem
Piotr Kielanowski (Bialystok)
Malgorzata Klimek
(Czestochowa) -
Solutions of Euler-Lagrange equations in fractional mechanics
Denis Kochan
(Bratislava) -
Quantization of dissipative systems
Mikhail Krivoruchenko
(Tuebingen) -
Quantum deformation of the Dirac bracket
Bartosz Kwasniewski (Bialystok)
Andrei Lebedev (Bialystok)
Kirill Mackenzie
Rafał Maj
Ian Marshall
(Llanfairfechan) -
Hidden Poisson structures related to Hill's equation
Valery Maximov
(Moscow) - Characterization of the finite probability structures
Josef Mikes
(Olomouc) -
Geodesic mappings and their generalizations
Ivailo Mladenov
(Sofia) -
An algebraci approach to the Saxon-Hutner Theorem
Radhakrishnan Nair
(Thiruvananthapuram) -
Hamiltonian Moments:the Geometry and the Symmetry
Francisco Nettel-Rueda
(Mexico City) -
Topological quantization of classical mechanics (Francisco Nettel and Hernando Quevedo)
Petr Novotny
Anatol Odzijewicz (Bialystok)
Oleg Olkhov
(Moscow) -
Geometrization of classical wave fields
Alexander Orlov (Moscow) - Random processes and tau functions
Urszula Ostaszewska (Bialystok) - Spectral radius of finite sums of weighted positive operators in L^p- spaces
Zbigniew Pasternak-Winiarski
(Warszawa) -
On the space of admissible weights for weighted Bergman spaces
Jan Pavtel (Bialystok)
Severin Poąta
(Prague) -
Structure of enveloping algebras
Rasoul Roknizadeh
(Isfahan) -
Geometric Nonlinear Coherent States
Joanna Rymarczyk
Gniewomir Sarbicki
Martin Schlichenmaier
(Luxembourg City) -
A global operator approach to WZNW models via Lie algebras of KN type
Jan Sławianowski
(Warsaw /Warszawa) -
Klein-Gordon-Dirac equation and conformal gauge group
Aneta Slizewska (Bialystok) - sl(2,R) symmetry and solvable multiboson systems
Jedrzej Sniatycki
(Calgary) -
Commutativity of quantization and reduction
George Svetlichny
(Rio de Janeiro)
Marzena Szajewska (Bialystok)
Jacek Szmigielski
Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz (Bialystok) - Explicitly solvable models of a two-modee coupler in Kerr media
Ivan Tsyfra (Bialystok)
Theodore Voronov
(Manchester) -
Operators on superspace and generalizations of the Gelfand-Kolomogorov theorem
Yuxin Yang
Akira Yoshioka
(Tokyo) - Ordering problem in star product and star product
Krzysztof Zajkowski (Bialystok)
page by
Tomasz Golinski