List of all volumes
In the previous years we have published the volumes containing proceedings of the Workshop. Additionally there
was a special volume to commemorate twentieth anniverary of Białowieża Workshop.
- Twenty Years of Białowieża: A Mathematical Anthology. Aspects
of Differential Geometric Methods in Physics. World Scientific
Monograph Series in Mathematics - Vol. 8, 2005 link
- XI WGMP 1992, Quantization and Coherent States Methods, World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong
- XII WGMP 1993, Quantization and Infinite-dimensional Systems, Plenum Press New York
- XIII WGMP 1994, Quantization, Coherent States, and Complex Structures, Plenum Press New York
- XIV WGMP 1995, Quantization, Coherent States, and Poisson Structures, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
- XV WGMP 1996, Reports on Mathematical Physics 40(2) 1997 link
- XVI WGMP 1997 (including special session in memory of Ryszard Raczka), Reports on Mathematical Physics 43(1/2) 1999 link
- XVII WGMP 1998, Coherent States, Quantization and Gravity, Warsaw University Press
- XXI and XXII WGMPs 2002-2003, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 11 2004 Supplement link
- XXIV WGMP 2005, Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 5-6, 2006 link 1, link 2
- XXV WGMP 2006, Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 9-12, 2007-2008 link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
- XXVI WGMP 2007, AIP Conference Proceedings 956 link
- XXVII WGMP 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1079 link
- XXVIII WGMP 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1191 link
- XXIX WGMP 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings 1307 link
- XXX WGMP 2011, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser link
- XXXI WGMP 2012, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser link