XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in PhysicsBiałystok, 30.06–5.07.2025XIV School on Geometry and PhysicsBiałystok, 23–27.06.2025
On April 18 2022, the chairman of the Białowieża Workshop Organizing Committee, Professor Anatol Odzijewicz
passed away. During the upcoming Workshop we will commemorate the legacy of Professor Odzijewicz in creating of the Białowieża Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics and his scientific achievements.
The main areas of his research were the theory of Banach groupoids and algebroids related to the structure of W*-algebras, quantization of physical systems by means of the coherent state map, as well as quantum and classical integrable systems.
In the years 1997-2005 Professor Odzijewicz was the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and from 2008 to 2016 - the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Białystok. He was also the director of the Institute of Mathematics (2005-2008 and 2016-2019).
Prof. Anatol Odzijewicz was also an energetic social activist. He founded a branch of the Society for the Preservation of Monuments in Białystok and chaired it for many years. He was the founder of skansen – open-air museum in Białowieża (the first exhibit was placed there in 1978).
Białowieża Workshops Organizing Committee
Several photos of prof. Odzijewicz: previous Workshops, skansen, scientific travels