XLII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics Białystok, 30.6-5.07.2025 XIV School on Geometry and Physics Białystok, 23-27.06.2025

Dear Friends,

it is with great regret we announce the death on January 22, 2019 in Mexico of our friend, an outstanding physicist, Professor Bogdan Mielnik. He was a professor emeritus at the University of Warsaw and at the elite Center for Advanced Studies at the National Polytechnic of Mexico (CINVESTAV).

Bogdan Mielnik was one of the pioneers in the application of geometric methods in quantum mechanics. Already in the 1960's and 1970's he used and developed theories of filters and convex sets, which are currently one of the standard tools in quantum information science. He recently worked, among others, on the quantum theory of control and he has shown how to reverse the evolution of Gaussian wave packets.

Bogdan Mielnik was a very wise man with an extremely individual way of thinking. He did not publish much and was critical of "mass" publications. Each of his work was deeply thought-out, always had very original elements. Thanks to that, he was a great authority in the field of the foundations of quantum mechanics.

Bogdan participated in all our recent Białowieża Workshops, made important contributions to the program and always was giving very original talks. Armen Sergeev said: "Without him the whole image of Białowieża Workshops has lost one of its bright colours."

He had a great sense of humor, a unique aesthetic taste in the visual arts, and a great literary talent. He loved science fiction, he wrote brilliant stories within this genre himself.

We have lost a great friend and an outstanding Man.

Białowieża Workshops Organizing Committee

Short lecture by prof. Mielnik during the banquet at XXX Worshop, 2011

Several photos from previous Workshops

Event sponsored by
University of Białystok
University of Białystok