XXXI Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 24-30.06.2012


Scientific programme

Plenary lectures:

  • Iakovos Androulidakis (Athens) - The leafwise Laplacian and its spectrum: the singular case
  • Daniel Beltita (Bucharest) - Symbolic calculus on coadjoint orbits of nilpotent Lie groups
  • Pierre Bieliavsky (Louvain la neuve) - Oscillatory integrals and Calderon-Vaillancourt estimates for Lie groups and symmetric spaces
  • Alexey Bolsinov (Loughborough) - TBA
  • Michel Cahen (Brussels) - Symplectic Dirac operators
  • Leonid Chekhov (Moscow) - Quantum Liouville theory and quantum Riemann surfaces
  • Boris Dubrovin* (Trieste) - TBA
  • Ludwig Faddeev (St. Petersburg) - Volkov's pentagon relation for the modular quantum dilogarithm
  • Simone Gutt (Brussels) - Mp^c structures and symplectic geometry
  • William Kirwin (Cologne) - Real and Complex Polarizations in Geometric Quantization
  • Kirill Mackenzie (Sheffield) - Duality for multiple vector bundles
  • Motohico Mulase (Davis, CA) - The Laplace Transform, Mirror Symmetry, and the Topological Recursion of Eynard-Orantin
  • Yuri Neretin (Moscow) - Infinite symmetric group, two-dimensional simplicial bordisms, and Feynman diagrams
  • Michael Semenov-Tian-Shansky (Dijon) - Poisson structure of difference Lax equations and Difference Galois groups
  • Nikita Slavnov (Moscow) - Form factor approach to the correlation functions of integrable models
  • Sergey P. Tsarev (Krasnoyarsk) - TBA
  • Boris Tsygan (Chicago) - TBA
  • Mikhail Vasiliev (Moscow) - Holography, Unfolding and Higher-Spin Theory
  • Pavel Wiegmann (Chicago) - TBA

Please refer to the list of participants for more details.

Special session

During the 2012 Workshop we plan to organize a special session dedicated to Boris Vasilievich Fedosov who passed away last year. Moreover we offer participants a possibility to present their contributions in poster format. Participants who would prefer to present a poster should let us know.


The proceedings of the Workshop were usually published as a separate volume. The proceedings will also be published this year if the financial situation is good enough. Details will be announced during the conference.

School for Young Researchers

The Organizing Committee intends to organize a school for young researchers and graduate students in the week following the Workshop. The School on Physics and Geometry will start on July 2 and last till July 6. The total cost of the School is 300 EUR (includes transportation, board, and accomodation).

During the School we plan to organize several 3h courses presented by leading experts in mathematical physics. At the moment we have confirmed the following lecturers
  • Alexander Belavin - Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence between Supersymmetic gauge theory in d=4 and Conformal field theory in d=2
  • Alexey Bolsinov - Singularities of bi-Hamiltonian systems
  • Hovhannes Khudaverdian - Geometry of differential operators
  • Kirill Mackenzie - Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids and Poisson geometry
  • Yuri Neretin - Virasoro algebra and Riemannian surfaces
  • Alexander Veselov - Integrability and Morse Theory
  • Theodore Voronov - Q-manifolds and their applications
The day after the end of the School (Saturday, July 7) the Kupala Night - St. Ivan's Night - will take place - with regional folk dances and music concluding in a midnight search for the "fern flower". If somebody would like to stay one day longer to attend Kupala, please let us know, so we may organize accommodation for you.


First of all, let us note that the Workshop overlaps with the European Football Championship which takes place in Poland and Ukraine from June 8 till July 1. Please book your flights as soon as possible to avoid problems (sold out flights, high prices). Also please note that some part of Schengen agreement has been suspended, thus you may have to go through passport control.

From Warsaw to Białowieża and back by the conference bus

The free conference bus will be available for the participants to get from Warsaw to the Workshop site in Białowieża. The conference bus will be waiting on Saturday, June 23, at the Physics Department, Warsaw University, Hoza 69 (about 500 meters from the Warsaw Central Railway Station). It will depart for Białowieża around 16:00 (4 P.M.). We shall also arrange a free bus trip back from Białowieża to Warsaw on Sunday, July 1. The bus will depart not later than 7:00 (A.M.). It will arrive in Warsaw about 11:00. The exact time of the departure of this bus will be fixed during the Workshop.

From Warsaw Airport to Physics Department

The best way to get to the Physics Department from the airport is to take a direct train to Central Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna) or Railway Station "Srodmiescie". The trip takes around 20 minutes. You can also take a regular city bus (line 175) at the exit of the air terminal. One should get off at the bus stop in front of the Mariott Hotel, opposite to the Central Railway Station. Tickets cost about 3 zł (about 1 EUR) and can be bought at the newspapers stands at the terminal. From there it is short walk to the Department. Members of the local organizing committee will be at hand there. Please consult the map in section travel guide.

It is also possible to take a taxi from the Airport to the Physics Department. This is more expensive (approximately 30 zł~10 EUR), however it is safer, quicker and more comfortable. In that case please take a taxi from the taxi stand and do not hire the taxi in the arrival hall, directly from the driver, because they charge more and you should negotiate the price before the journey.

From Warsaw to Białowieża by means of public transport

Białowieża can also be reached by the combination of train and bus. In this case take the train to Białystok. Then continue by bus from Białystok to Białowieża (via Hajnówka). The Bus Station in Białystok is next to the railway station. To get there pass the bridge over the rails. You can also reach Białowieża by train to Hajnówka (change in Siedlce).

For train and buses schedules as well as maps please check travel guide.

From Moscow to Białowieża by means of public transport

There is a very good train connection from Moscow to Grodno and then to Białystok. It may be cheaper and faster than connection through Warsaw. Please read the previous point for information about reaching Białowieża from Białystok by bus.

There is also a possibility to go to Brest, Belarus and take a bus from there to Kamianiuki. There is a border crossing point nearby which allows foot crossing. It is only several kilometers from Białowieża and someone from organizing committee can pick you up from there by car.

Hotel in Warsaw

The organizers can book a hotel room in Warsaw, either before or after the Workshop. Please let us know about that as soon as possible due to the fact that Euro 2012 will cause a heavy load in Warsaw hotels. Prices range from 20 EUR to 100 EUR. We usually book rooms in Warsaw University Hotel "Hera". Moreover there are many convenient hotels which can be booked by internet.

Registration fee

The conference fee is 150 EUR. The cost of living expenses is 350 EUR. It covers full board and lodging (double room) within walking distance of the lecture hall, and transportation from Warsaw to Białowieża and back. It should be paid in cash and we can accept equivalent in USD or PLN. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit cards, personal checks, bank drafts or travelers checks. In some cases we offer the participants a reduction of the conference fee (eg. for graduate students).

The accomodation in a single room costs additional 100 EUR. However due to the limited hotel service in Białowieża it may not be possible in all cases. There is the cost of 300 EUR for each accompanying person.

The participants are kindly asked to notify us about any dietary restrictions.

Technical equipment

There will be a transparency projector as well as computer projector available for your talks. You can use your own laptop or the one supplied by the organizers. We are able to process pdf, dvi, ps, and powerpoint-compatible presentations.

Also there will be a wireless internet available to participants in the lecture room and in some hotels.

Social events

During the Workshop we will organize several special events. On Monday evening we plan to have a campfire with roasted meat and traditional music. On Thursday there will be a banquet, and the Friday morning is planned to be free from lectures. We intend to organize a guided excursion to the Białowieża preserve during that morning.


This year the Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics is a satelite conference of the 6th European Congress of Mathematics which will be held in Krakow, July 2-7, 2012. Please read the letter from Organizers of 6ECM to participants of Satelite Events. Participants of 6ECM are offered a reduction of conference fee. Let us know if you qualify for this discount.

The Workshop has been supported by the ESF research networking programme: Interactions of Low-Dimensional Topology and Geometry with Mathematical Physics. As every year, the conference has been supported by University of Białystok.

Address of the organizing committee

Institute of Mathematics
University of Białystok
ul. Akademicka 2
15-267 Białystok, Poland
tel/fax (+48) (85) 745 72 32

Event sponsored by: The Workshop is a satellite conference of
European Science Foundation Interactions of Low-Dimensional Topology and Geometry with Mathematical Physics      University
of Bialystok
University of Bialystok                  6th European Congress of Mathematics

Webpage by: Tomasz GolinskiTomasz Golinski