- Alexander Belavin - Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence between Supersymmetic gauge theory in d=4 and Conformal field theory in d=2
- Alexey Bolsinov - Singularities of bi-Hamiltonian systems
- Hovhannes Khudaverdian - Geometry of differential operators (pdf)
- Kirill Mackenzie - Lie algebroids, Lie groupoids and Poisson geometry (pdf)
- Yuri Neretin - Virasoro algebra and Riemannian surfaces
- Alexander Orlov - Fermionic language for random matrices and random partitions
- Alexander Veselov - Integrability and Morse Theory
- Theodore Voronov - Q-manifolds and their applications
- Mateusz Aniserowicz (Bialystok)
- Krystian Brzezinski (Bialystok)
- Tomasz Czyzycki
- Alina Dobrogowska (Bialystok)
- Joao Esteves
- Tomasz Golinski
- Zofia Grabowiecka (Bialystok)
- Jiri Hrivnak
- Grzegorz Jakimowicz (Bialystok)
- Robert Jankowski
- Dalibor Karasek
- David Khudaverdyan
- Ian Marshall
- Stephane Merigon
- Kamil Mojsa (Bialystok)
- Petr Novotny
- Alexandre Odesski
(St Catharines)
- Anatol Odzijewicz (Bialystok)
- Michal Olejniczak
- Andriy Panasyuk
- Barbara Pietruczuk
- Svetlana Selivanova
- Aneta Slizewska (Bialystok)
- Elwira Wawreniuk (Bialystok)
- Joanna Zonenberg