XXXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics | 19.06–25.06.2022 |
XI School on Geometry and Physics | 27.06–1.07.2022 |
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Mikołaj RotkiewiczQuantization and enveloping algebras of Lie groupsTalk 1: 1. Examples of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids 2. Lie functor: groupoid - algebroid correspondence Talk 2: 3. de Rham differential and supergeometry (Vaintrob's theorem) 4. Lie bialgebroids (D. Roytenberg's approach) and double Lie algebroids (T. Voronov's approach) Talk 3: 5. Higher order analogues of Lie algebroids - comorphism approach to Lie algebroids |
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University of Bialystok |
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