XXXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 19.06–25.06.2022
XI School on Geometry and Physics 27.06–1.07.2022

Gabriel Larotonda

Differentiable and Kähler geometry of the coadjoint orbit of a nuclear operator

We will discuss recent developments concerning the topology of the unitary orbit of a nuclear operator and of its closure. Then we will focus on the geometry of a weak Riemannian metric in the orbit, compatible with the complex structure and the KKS symplectic form. The talk is based on joint work with D. Beltita (Bucharest) on one hand, and T. Goliński (Bialystok) on the other.

Event sponsored by:
of Bialystok
University of Bialystok

Webpage by: Tomasz GolinskiTomasz Golinski