XXXVIII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics | 30.06-6.07.2019 |
VIII School on Geometry and Physics | 24-28.06.2019 |
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Alexander SergeevSupergroup $Osp(2,2n)$ and super Jacobi polynomials Jacobi polynomialsCoefficients of super Jacobi polynomials of type $B(1,n)$ are rational functions in three parameters $k$, $p$, $q$. At the point $(-1,0,0)$ these coefficient may have poles. Let us set $q=0$ and consider pair $(k,p)$ as a point of $A^2$. If we apply blow up procedure at the point $(-1,0)$ then we get a new family of polynomials depending on parameter $t$ from projective space. If $t=\infty$ then we get supercharacters of Kac (Euler) modules for Lie supergroup $Osp(2,2n)$ and supercharacters of irreducible modules can be obtained in the same way for nonnegative integer $t$ depending on highest weight. Besides we obtained supercharcters of projective covers as specialisation of some nonsingular modification of super Jacobi polynomials. |
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University of Bialystok |
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