XXXVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics | 1-7.07.2018 |
VII School on Geometry and Physics | 25-29.06.2018 |
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Anatolij PrykarpatskiOn the geometric structure of the WDVV associativity equations and their solutionsIn this Letter I devise an algebraically feasible approach to in- vestigating solutions to the oriented associativity equations, related with commutative and isoassociative algebras, interesting for applications in the quantum deformation theory and in some other fields of mathemat- ics. The construction is based on a version of the Adler-Kostant-Symes scheme, applied to the Lie algebra of the loop di¤eomorphism group of a torus and modified for the case of the Gauss-Manin displacement equa- tions, depending on a spectral parameter. Their interpretation as char- actersitic equatiuons for some system of the Lax-Sato type vector fieldeld equations made it possible to derive the determining separated Hamil- tonian evolution equations for the related structure matrices, generating commutative and isoassociative algebras under regard. |
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University of Bialystok |
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