XXXVII Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 1-7.07.2018
VII School on Geometry and Physics 25-29.06.2018

Radosław Kycia

Topological analysis of nuclear pasta phases

‘The heavens contain a variety of materials that range from conventional to extraordinary and extreme’ [1]. It will be shown how to use algebraic topology to describe topological invariants of the pasta phases that were identified recently [1] in neutron stars. The talk is based on the article [2].

The author(s) would like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action CA16214 (PHAROS).


[1] M. E. Caplan, C. J. Horowitz, ‘Astromaterial Science and Nuclear Pasta’, arXiv:1606.03646 [astro-ph.HE]

[2] R. A. Kycia, S. Kubis, W. Wójcik ‘Topological analysis of nuclear pasta phases’, Phys. Rev. C 96, 025803 (2017); arXiv:1709.07521 [astro-ph.HE]

Event sponsored by:
of Bialystok
University of Bialystok

Webpage by: Tomasz GolinskiTomasz Golinski