XXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics
First Announcement
Second Announcement
Glenn Barnich
(Bruxelles) -
Asymptotically flat spacetimes revisited: aspects of the BMS/CFT correspondence
Alexander Belavin
(Chernogolovka) -
Correlation numbers in 2-Dimensional Minimal Gravity. Matrix Model and Liouville approaches.
Harry Braden
(Edinburgh) -
Symmetry, Curves and Monopoles
Ana Bela Cruzeiro
(Lisbon) -
Non existence of Haar-type invariant measures on some spaces of maps
Victor Enolski
(Kiev) -
To the existence of charge 3 monopole: theta-functional approach
Tatyana Foth
(London, Ontario) -
Kahler manifolds, line bundles, and quantization
José E. Galé
(Zaragoza) -
Some differential geometry in operator theory
Ryszard Nest
(Copenhagen) -
Formality theorem for gerbs
Emma Previato
(Boston) -
Sigma function and dispersionless hierarchies
Jacek Szmigielski
(Saskatoon) -
Nonlinear Waves and an Extension of the Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials
Alexander Veselov
(Loughborough) -
Gaudin subalgebras and moduli spaces of stable rational curves
Katrin Wendland
(Augsburg) -
On K3 surfaces and their applications in physics
Thomas Willwacher
(Zurich) -
Relation of M. Kontsevich's and D. Tamarkin's Deformation Quantization
Stanislaw Lech Woronowicz
(Warsaw) - Schmüdgen commutation relations and quantum 'ax + b'-group
Anatolij Antonevich
(Białystok) -
On high order partial differential expressions with delta-potential
Daniel Beltita
(Bucharest) -
Wavelet transforms on some infinite-dimensional Lie groups
Marco Marco Bertola
(Montreal) -
Universality in the profile of small-dispersion integrable waves: the focusing Nonlinear Schroedinger equation.
Agata Bezubik
Victor Buchstaber
(Moscow) -
Universal Eliiptic Formal group Law
Elena Bunkova
(Moscow) -
Universal elliptic formal group law
Peter Bryant
(Austin, Texas) -
Asymmetric time evolution and indistinguishable events
Andrey Bytsenko (Londrina) -
Deformation of complex structures in topological field theory
Nicola Ciccoli
(Perugia) -
Geometric quantization for the standard Podles sphere
Goce Chadzitaskos
Tomasz Czyżycki
Alina Dobrogowska (Bialystok)
Vladimir Dragovic
(Lisbon) -
Systems of Kowalevski type
Gerald Goldin
(Piscataway, NJ) -
Diffeomorphism group representations and the characterization of Gibbs measures on marked configuration spaces
Tomasz Golinski
Maria Emilia Guimaraes
(Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro) -
Deformation of complex structures in topological field theory
Jiří Hrivnák
(Prague) -
E-Discretization of Tori of Exceptional Compact Simple Lie Groups
Grzegorz Jakimowicz (Bialystok)
Stanisław Janeczko
(Warszawa) - Symplectic singularities of curves and Zariski problem
Dalibor Karásek
(Prague) -
Usage of subalgebras in classification of derivations
Ricardo Kullock
(Rio de Janeiro) -
Twist deformation of (conformal) quantum mechanics
Karl Leicht
Justyna Makowska
(Białystok) -
One side inwertibility of weighted shift operators
Ian Marshall
Poisson reduction of the space of polygons
Valeriy Maximov
(Moscow) - About one type of quadratic algebres with a polynomial basis
Jean-Philippe Michel
(Lyon) -
Conformally equivariant quantization of supercotangent bundles
Bogdan Mielnik (Mexico City) -
Quantum states: are they real?
Ivailo Mladenov
(Sofia) -
On the Plane Curves Whose Curvature Depends on the Distance From the Origin
Sophie Morier-Genoud
(Paris) -
Graded algebras generalizing the octonions
Petr Novotny
Alexandre Odesski
(St Catharines) - Multi-dimensional integrable systems
Anatol Odzijewicz (Bialystok)
Urszula Ostaszewska
Valentin Ovsienko
(Lyon) -
Equivariant quantization: old ideas and new results
Ivo Petr
(Prague) -
From Buscher duality to PLT-plurality on supermanifolds
Severin Posta
(Prague) -
Central elements of quantum deformations
Ekaterina Pozdeeva
(Moscow) -
Nontoy models from Dirac Darboux transformation
Jakub Rembielinski
Martin Schlichenmaier
Vasilisa Shramchenko
(Sherbrooke) - Cluster algebras: introduction and some results
Aneta Slizewska (Bialystok) (doc)
Mauro Spera
(Verona) -
Hamiltonian monodromy via geometric quantization and theta functions
Stanislav Stepin (Bialystok/Moscow)
Jaromir Tosiek
(Łódź) -
Induced symplectic connection on a cotangent bundle
Gijs Tuynman
(Lille) -
Super Heisenberg orbits: a case study
Sergey Vernov
(Moscow) -
Solutions of nonlocal cosmological equations
Ivan Tsyfra
Theodore Voronov
(Manchester) -
Non-Abelian Poincaré lemma and Lie algebroids
Mikhail Zelikin
(Moscow) -
Field theories for multiple integrals
Event sponsored by:
of Bialystok
Webpage by:
Tomasz Golinski